Силфида Дуфасие Администратор; преподавател по Литература и Фотография
Брой мнения : 3301 Присъединил/а се : 16.02.2010 Възраст : 29 Местожителство : flying with ravens through black clouds and rainbowish skies..
Герой Име: Силфида Лилиет Дуфасие Години на героя: 24 години
| Заглавие: tryin' to be a photographer Пон Сеп 13, 2010 1:12 pm | |
| Сега ще пускам снимки... Най-хубавите, по-нататък другите. хД Не се учудвайте, че са от фейсбук - просто девианта не ще да се отваря. Последната, разбира се, е най-добрата. хД
бижутенцата ми още бижутенца една гривна, подарък ми е от най-добрата ми приятелка teddybear's land be my wet metal ladybug forever and ever! loooong giraffe legs just eat fruits clouds're my second home u wanna dance with us? we're nice trees... mountain on the hill my green princess willow just be my yellow dream the invasion - clouds vs. clean sky [clouds are winning] live like an amazon. be exotic. green vs. yellow [trees vs. grass] clouds invaded the sky already pin me with pine twigs small bro' - big bro' yummy pink; but dangerous pink brown or white? what's that stick on the left?? wind is blowing us far away! help us! before the storm - dar clouds vs. sunset clouds heaven is there, trust me! fire in the sky! run for your lives! oh, yeah, shot in moving! sun paints on my camera! dparkles in the twilight me? you take a picture of me? aww, thank you so much! look at my family! we're scared. don't hurt us. god, look at me! i'm old, why should i live more?! why, the hell, he doesn't like me?! empty road. we don't really need any cars. there's always a little hope in the sunrise clouds invading the earth sun paints on my camera an' on the lake two suns?! i just wanted to tell you that i'm always gonna be lightning your way like a peaceful dandelion, you don't really think you're ugly
Като гледам, май повечко станаха от няколко, но whatever. Така или иначе - наслаждавайте се и коментирайте в другата тема! (: | |